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The Faerie Queen a Magical Icon
Of all the English monarchs it was Elizabeth who best understood the magical mytho-dynamics that were the ideological foundation of the people of the British Isles. With true genius, she presented herself as an androgynous being carefully clothed in jewel-studded raiment and mask-like make up. Her regular processions round the country resembled traditional Christian processions of religious images. On her travels around England she honoured wealthy land-owning aristocrats with a stay of a few days. This would almost bankrupt them but since status is even more important than money both sides gained. She was known as “The Faerie Queen” and was adored like a major film star in more recent times. During her reign John Dee, a Welsh wizard, was active in the capital, not only did he have the largest library in London but introduced Euclid’s Elements to England, improved navigation technology, invented new stage machinery for masques and laid out the plans for a future English Empire centred on Gloriana the magical monarch!

The First British Empire
Under Elizabeth and later monarchs colonies were established in North America alongside others established by the French and Dutch. The Spanish and Portuguese had major territories further south and in the west. The British colonies were not just mercantile ventures but were often settlements motivated by mytho-dynamics of a New World, a New Adam and a New Jerusalem free from control by wicked Old Rome. Once the British government had eliminated European rival colonies, the colonists rebelled and with considerable help from the French and Dutch, formed their own government. Religious freedom from ecclesiastical control in the form of separation of Church and State was built into their new republican constitution.

The Second Empire
In the following century migrants from the British Isles settled permanently in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa where the indigenous populations were thinly scattered hunter-gatherers with limited agriculture. They created the core of a second British Empire. Mercantile colonies such as those in the Indian subcontinent were transformed into full members of the British Empire and their residents were progressively granted British citizenship. Their local rulers began to see England as their spiritual home and sent their children there to be acculturated. All of India was united for the first time into one country and adopted English as the unifying language. Literature and learning blossomed as the British mytho-dynamics worked their magic. This great Empire brought the British culture to the various states in the Indian subcontinent whilst allowing them to keep their religions intact if they did not conflict too radically with legal stability. Fanatical evangelical Christians arrived in the mid Nineteenth Century and their intolerant behaviour caused an uprising which they put down with appalling cruelty. The British Government stepped in at this point to protect the Indian’s rights to their own religions and introduced the Rule of Law, Classical Education, Free Speech, a Free Press, and the mytho-dynamics of independence from political oppression.